Monday, March 25, 2013

Art Therapy

I am currently teaching an acrylic painting class twice a month.  
I have a wonderful group of students that are a joy to teach. Teaching others what you have learned over the years is quite a honor. Each student is unique in so many areas age, likes, dislikes, exposure to and experience with painting. To me art is therapy when I allow my brain to connect over to the right side and flow what a wonderful experience. One of the best feeling as a teacher is when you witness as a student shifts over to the right side and things start clicking. It is hard to explain but very rewarding. I would like to challenge you to find at least 15 minutes in your day to pick up a pencil and doddle a bit or a brush and paint a few strokes.... get in some Art Therapy!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Every Child is an Artist

Hi, I am artist Sheila Hibbert. Welcome to my blog. I am also a wife and a mother of two

beautiful daughters. I love Art... creating it, exploring new techniques , trying new colors and tools.

As I read new articles, try out new colors, discover new techniques or test a new brush or palette

knife my goal is to the share that with you. 

I remember as a child loving to color, oh the smell of a new box 64 count crayolas.  My favorite 

was magenta, I held off on using it as long as possible because I didn't want it to break.  Next 

came paint by numbers!!  So this is how my art journey began. I truly believe inside everyone

there is an artist and as Picasso so wonderfully stated "The problem is how to remain an artist once 

he grows up." So as we journey down this road together I hope to inspire you and that inner child to 

create, explore and have fun, and who know what talents you may uncover!

 Happy Creating!!
